About Me

Who am I? My name is Victoria Mosby and I’ve been walking (sometimes running) down a career path in cybersecurity for roughly 13 years now. I am currently Sr. Sales Engineer for a cyber startup company in Maryland, but I started as a wee lil intern back in 2009. During the interim years I have worked across multiple federal verticals, primarily in the Dept. of Defense, as a security analyst, vulnerability security engineer, and as an independent risk analysis consultant. It’s been a trippy, but fun ride thus far! Join me as a I discover the next leg(s) of my adventure.

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This blog will largely focus on my personal journey through my cybersecurity career path. Let me take you on a magical tour of where I started, where I am now, and why even after 13 years I still don’t know what I want to be when I grow up. My intention is to:

  • Share what I’ve seen, done, learned and hopefully offer up some career tips and advice I’ve internalized along the way that have helped me break in and be successful over the years,
  • Document my current education pursuits down the path of cyber intelligence, incident response and forensics, and
  • Share some fun music, because why not?

Feel free to reach out on LinkedIn or email me at vmosby@thesmokingprinter.com